
Regular ONLINE GIVING & GIVING via text

We offer online giving and the option for text giving for the younger generation.

Below is a link that will take you to a website that is secure and part of Realm which is our software for membership and accounting. The link will allow you to make one time donations, or incremental. It can be via credit card or checking / savings account.

Realm – Web Based Church Software | ACS Technologies
Realm is a 100% web based church software solution for churches. It enables your staff to access data 24/7 from anywhere using a computer or mobile device.

Option for Texting
Text APCPARAMUS$50 to 73256 to give to Pledge using your text messaging. Standard text message rates do apply.

The dollar amount is whatever amount you wish to donate. Again, once you set it up, which is similar to above, it will keep information for future donations.

By using this system, it gets deposited directly to the APC checking account and the donation is entered into our donation tracking system. It saves work on both ends.

An Evening Under the Stars: Fundraising Event at the Aynilians – Sept. 14 at 7pm


APC Fall Event 2024 Invite Learn more…

AMAA Sunday 2023 Recap – December 3


Zaven Khanjian, Executive Director/CEO of AMAA gave the Sunday message, as guest preacher, during the Sunday worship service on December 3rd. He also gave a presentation on the AMAA programs and activities supporting the Artsakh refugees in Armenia. The APC congregation generously donated money for the AMAA Artsakh relief program.… Learn more…

Buy-A-Brick Program – Order Before December 31st!


        We are raising money to help pay for the side yard beautification project. Your bricks can be engraved with a personalized message: your / your family’s name(s), a tribute to a loved one, or a bible verse.             The bricks will be… Learn more…