- 1898: Armenian Presbyterian Mission of West Hoboken officially recognized
- 1928: First permanent home was built, West New York
- 1950: On Palm Sunday, a mortgage of long standing was burned
- 1967: Due to relocation of many of the congregants, a two acre plot of land was purchased in Paramus on Forest Avenue
- 1968: Groundbreaking for new Church
- 1970: The building in West New York was sold
- 1972: The Armenian Presbyterian Church of Paramus was officially dedicated on November 19
- 1987: To accommodate our growth, construction began on an addition on the East Wing
- 1988: The dedication of the East Wing was on Sunday, June 26
- 1998: 100th Anniversary of APC
- 2004: Campus continues to grow with expansion into neighboring properties
- 2014: North Wing obtained from AMAA and renovated to be used by Sunday School
- 2017: Major renovation of Church completed over the summer, social hall/gymnasium upgraded for superior acoustics, and overall modernization of entire campus
- 2018: 120th Anniversary of APC
- 2023: 125th Anniversary of APC and the dedication of the pavilion