

It has been 121 years since the founding of The Armenian Presbyterian Mission of West Hoboken, NJ, originally led by Dr. Haroutune Toumayan. Since 1898, The Armenian Presbyterian Church has seen many changes. However, through the years, we have proudly stayed steadfast and true to our Mission Statement:

“To teach people to confess Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. To express our love of God and neighbor as taught by Christ, within our families, Church and community.”


  • 1898: Armenian Presbyterian Mission of West Hoboken officially recognized
  • 1928: First permanent home was built, West New York
  • 1950: On Palm Sunday, a mortgage of long standing was burned
  • 1967: Due to relocation of many of the congregants, a two acre plot of land was purchased in Paramus on Forest Avenue
  • 1968: Groundbreaking for new Church
  • 1970: The building in West New York was sold
  • 1972: The Armenian Presbyterian Church of Paramus was officially dedicated on November 19
  • 1987: To accommodate our growth, construction began on an addition on the East Wing
  • 1988: The dedication of the East Wing was on Sunday, June 26
  • 1998: 100th Anniversary of APC
  • 2004: Campus continues to grow with expansion into neighboring properties
  • 2014: North Wing obtained from AMAA and renovated to be used by Sunday School
  • 2017: Major renovation of Church completed over the summer, social hall/gymnasium upgraded for superior acoustics, and overall modernization of entire campus
  • 2018: 120th Anniversary of APC
  • 2023: 125th Anniversary of APC and the dedication of the pavilion