• PRAYER TIME before worship service – 10:00 am – Fellowship Room.
  • Sunday Morning Worship Service – 11:00 am In-person and on APC YouTube channel.
    Click this link: APC YouTube Channel to access it. Or, search “Armenian Presbyterian Church” on YouTube. On Mondays, the Sunday Morning Worship Service will be available to view on our site on the Worship Service page. Also, the synopsis of the Armenian sermon will be available.
  • Sunday School – 11:00 am 
    Weekly Sunday Mornings at 11:00 am. To be added to the Sunday School email list please contact Liz Aynilian at:
  • PRIVATE PRAYER TIME is available immediately after the worship service in the Fellowship Room.



  • Prayer Nights, 7:30 – 8:30 pm. Pastor Joe will lead this in-person event on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month. Will include prayer, Scripture readings and sharing.

Welcome! We are an Armenian Presbyterian Church, with both an ethnic Armenian Evangelical history stretching back to the mid-1800’s and a Presbyterian Church, following the faith of the missionaries who evangelized our forefathers back in Asia Minor in the 19th century.

We love our Armenian heritage and we reflect it through our worship services, Bible Studies, fellowship hours, and participation in the greater Armenian community of the Tri-State New York-New Jersey-Connecticut area.

Most of all, we are a community of Christians: believers, followers, and lovers of Jesus Christ, who has saved us, loved us, and called us to be light and truth-bearers to both the Armenian and non-Armenian community in our area.

We are called to learn the Truth and Power of the Gospel of Jesus and to bear witness to it in our daily lives as a church both in word and deed. We invite you to join us!

News and Announcements

  • February 8: Missions Father’s Cupboard APC Volunteer Day, Grace Redeemer Church, Glen Rock. RSVP to Jocelyn.
  • February 9: Rev. Selimian Guest Preacher; AMAA’s Pray + Act for Syria, Presentation and Light Lunch directly after the service. Click for more information.
  • February 12, 7:30 – 8:30 pm: Prayer Night. Pastor Joe will lead this in-person event on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month. Will include prayer, Scripture readings and sharing. Click for more information
  • February 15, 7:00pm: Love & Friendship Party, RSVP by 2/9. Click for more information
  • February 22: Missions Father’s Cupboard APC Volunteer Day, Grace Redeemer Church, Glen Rock. RSVP to Jocelyn.
  • February 22: Spiritual Hangout, 7:00pm, evening in-person time to pray, for fellowship, and to be in the Lord together. Click for more information
  • February 26, 7:30 – 8:30 pm: Prayer Night. Pastor Joe will lead this in-person event on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month. Will include prayer, Scripture readings and sharing. Click for more information
  • March 2: Congregational meeting directly after worship service.
  • March 8: Missions Father’s Cupboard APC Volunteer Day, Grace Redeemer Church, Glen Rock. RSVP to Jocelyn.
  • March 22: Missions Father’s Cupboard APC Volunteer Day, Grace Redeemer Church, Glen Rock. RSVP to Jocelyn.
  • April 5: Missions Father’s Cupboard APC Volunteer Day, Grace Redeemer Church, Glen Rock. RSVP to Jocelyn.
  • May 3: Missions Father’s Cupboard APC Volunteer Day, Grace Redeemer Church, Glen Rock. RSVP to Jocelyn.
  • May 4: Camp Arevelk Sunday at APC. More information coming soon.