On January 21, 2025, APC hosted Reverend Nishan and Maria Bakalian as our guest speakers and presenters. The Bakalians used to pastor the AEUNA church in Havertown, PA and were a wonderful presence in our Armenian Evangelical community here in the USA. A few years ago, they received a call to serve overseas as missionaries in Beirut, Lebanon with the Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East, through Global Ministries and the AMAA. Periodically, they return to the US to provide an update on their ministry and reconnect with family and friends.
During the Armenian sermon, Rev. Nishan talked about the work of the Holy Spirit through the people of God and His church; during the English sermon he spoke about how Jesus Christ gives us a foretaste of the divine, by expounding on the parable of the Wedding at Cana. At the end of the church service, Rev. Nishan and Maria gave a presentation about their work and the people whose lives they touch every day. The day ended with a luncheon, where we enjoyed their fellowship and got to know them on a personal level.
The proceeds of a special Sunday offering and a free will offering during lunch were sent to the AMAA and Global Ministries.